Course Dates and Curriculum

6 Weeks to A New Career: Starting September 4, 2024, you'll be off to the races. We'll meet on zoom and build and practice skills. Cameras on, minds open, career growth ahead!


2x/week for 6 weeks at 8pm for 2hrs
Meet on zoom + 5hrs/week of practical homework
(yes this is intense & effective)

Goal: To help you understand what sales is, how to get started in sales, and to set you up for success selling!  Learn the art and science of sales, starting with base principles, to closing deals! Launch a new career!

Week 1:

Sales  Fundamentals-  September 4, 8

  • developing  and delivering your value proposition
  • understanding Problem Solving, finding clients and creating a Win-Win
  • overview: cold-calling, hunting, rejection
  • activity metrics and ratios. activity = results
  • repetitions: ongoing development: better delivery of your message, get better over time
  • #'s game: goal is to build a big pipeline
  • art and science: repetition is reinforcement
Live Q & A and Homework
2 classes: 2*2hrs

Week 2:

Finding Leads - September 11,15

  • ideal Customer Profile
  • relevant companies
  • growing industries
  • right buyer persona
  • sales technology: linkedIn, Lusha, Google
  • building a list
  • leads are everywhere. you can also buy lists, find lists
  • Referrals
Live Q & A and Homework
2 classes: 2 *2 hrs

Week 3:

Prospecting Leads- September 18,22

  • How do you reach them? F2F, Digital, Phone
  • cold-calling and cold-emailing: messaging, personalization,  subject lines
  • gatekeepers & voicemails
  • social selling
  • cadence & pipeline management, consistency
  • CRM/process
  • getting in front of those leads
  • earning the conversation: build credibility and establish rapport to get sensitive info
  • objection handling: price? competitors? timing?
Live Q & A and Homework
2 classes: 2*2hrs

Week 4:

  • importance of discovery
  • are they the right customer?
  • are they the right decision maker? Are there other decision makers?
  • maybe there is no need for your service now?
  • next step yes or no?  establishing a case
  • do they have the budget? are you speaking to the person with the budget?
  • havethey identified they have a problem you can solve and would pay the money tohave you solve that problem?
  • asking good questions
Live Q & A and Homework
2 classes: 2*2hrs

Qualifying Leads- Sept 25,29

Week 5:

Calling - October 1,6 (note Rosh Hashana is the 2nd @night)

  • Follow-up: it's the only thing that leads to a close!
  • asking good questions. knowing their industry better than them
  • objection handling
  • always tying back to discovery
  • Problem Solving
  • timing: you drive the follow-up, continuing the conversation
  • always have a next step
  • sales planning and cycles
  • psychology of sales
  • budget confirmation? value confirmation?
Live Q & A and Homework
2 classes: 2*2hrs

Week 6:

  • presentation skills
  • pipeline management
  • opportunity and urgency
  • #'s game
  • objection handling
  • negotiation
Live Q & A and Homework
2 classes: 2*2hrs

Closing & Job Preparation: October 9th